The S-Class stands for the fascination of Mercedes-Benz: legendary and traditional engineering expertise defines the luxury segment in the automobile industry. The new Mercedes-Benz S-Class can be experienced with all the senses - seeing, feeling, hearing and smelling - while offering numerous innovations in the areas of driver assistance, protection and interaction. Mercedes-Benz is shaping the next generation of individual mobility for our times with innovations that place the focus on people. The new S-Class uses digitisation for a car that responds empathetically to the needs and wishes of its driver and passengers.
Modern luxury reaches a new level with the interior of the S-Class. The designers have created a feel-good ambience with lounge character marked by elegance, high quality and airiness. The dashboard with its new architecture, modern surface design and ergonomic display arrangement is a noteworthy highlight. But the feel-good aspect goes even further: With high ride quality and low noise levels as well as an extensive range of ENERGIZING Comfort programs, the S-Class looks after the well-being of its passengers.
The new Mercedes-Benz S-Class has become more intelligent in many areas, including the driving experience, which is taken to the next level. Digital innovations such as in MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) are joined by new developments that increase driving enjoyment while making driving even safer: among them are rear-axle steering with a large steering angle and safety innovations such as the rear airbag. As a new function of PRE-SAFE® Impulse Side, the active E-ACTIVE BODY CONTROL suspension can raise the vehicle body (on both sides) just before an impending side impact. Following further systematic developments, the driving assistance systems take another step towards autonomous driving. Thanks to improved environmental sensors, for example, the parking systems provide the driver increased support when maneuvering at low speed. The integration into MBUX further enhances this as the level of visualization enters a whole new dimension.